27 October 2023

Year 9 PDHPE puts a spotlight on mental fitness

Year 9 PDHPE puts a spotlight on mental fitness

Throughout Term 3, Year 9 PDHPE studied mental health, learning about a variety of mental health conditions, and ways to support their own and others' mental health. During Week 3 of Term 4, students planned and implemented ways to help their Secondary School peers improve their mental fitness. 

Did you know?

  • 43% (8.5 million) of all Australians have experienced a mental health condition at some time in their life
  • 22% (4.2 million) of Australian adults have experienced a mental health condition in the last 12 months
  • Anxiety is the most common mental health condition with 17% (3.4 million) of Australians being affected by it
  • Young people (16-24) are 2.5 times more likely to self-harm than any other age group

Mental health affects a lot of people in a wide range of ways. During Term 3, Year 9 students learned about the nature and extent of mental health conditions that are present in our communities. Importantly though, they also learnt about ways of supporting their own and others' mental health.

A practice that stood out was the idea of being mentally fit. Just like physical fitness, which we practice and train for so that we can improve or strengthen, mental fitness is an area of life that we can strengthen and support too. Year 9 students were introduced to a variety of practices that could be regularly performed, with minimal time required, that support and strengthen mental health. 

Having experienced the benefits of these mental fitness practices, Year 9 students planned and implemented some of these for their peers in Secondary School. Students ran Art and Music Therapy and Physical Activity sessions during Week 3 that were open to available for anyone to participate in. The activities planned allowed students to express creativity, release stress, work in harmony with a group, raise their heart rate, release endorphins and socialise with their peers. 

Our thanks and congratulations go to the Year 9 students who actively supported and promoted good mental health through these activities.  

Mr Ross Graham



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