18 June 2024

Year 10 students complete Work Experience across the Illawarra and beyond!

Year 10 students complete Work Experience across the Illawarra and beyond!

Throughout the year so far, many of our Year 10 students have undertaken Work Experience placements in a variety of fascinating workplaces across the Illawarra and beyond.

Read on below to hear what some of our students have been up to, including some feedback from their supervisors!

Amarli O – Calderwood Prep

Amarli's interests span across all aspects of primary education, so what better place to undertake some Work Experience than right at Calderwood in Prep!

James S – Law

James undertook his Work Experience at a small law firm in Wollongong. Part of his placement even saw him attend court as an observer! James' supervisor lauded his professionalism and politeness.


Jonathan L – Surveying

Jonathan explored the field of surveying during his Work Experience placement. From drafting to engineering, he explored a variety of tasks, making for an enjoyable placement!

Kate-Rose – Primary Teaching

Kate-Rose conducted her placement at a primary school, assisting a student with learning needs and running activities from the front of the class. Kate had a fantastic time, with her supervising teacher saying she was a cut above the Work Experience students she has had before!

Lily P – Symbio Wildlife Park

Lily had the chance to obtain plenty of hands-on experience (proven by the photo below!) during her time at Symbio Wildlife Park. Lily had the opportunity to work with birds for some of her placement, and expanded her horizons with some exciting experience tending to primates such as dingoes and cheetahs!

Malika C – Green Connect

Malika also had plenty of hands-on opportunities on her placement at Green Connect. During her placement, Malika worked in the field and on the farm, testing the soil, spreading hay, and feeding animals such as chickens and goats!

Mikayla F – Taronga Zoo

Mikayla's exciting Work Experience placement saw her spend some time at Taronga Zoo! Among the many animals, she had the chance to work with kangaroos.

Oscar W – Primary Teaching

Oscar obtained some primary school teaching experience at another local primary school. His supervisor remarked that Oscar is a 'natural teacher' whose eyes light up as he helps the students!

More of our Year 10 students at their Work Experience workplaces

Lillian, Lauren and Peppa all completed their Work Experience placements in a preschool.

Lillian, Lauren & Peppa all completed their work experience placements in preschools.


Jacob and Isaac both completed their Work Experience placements at the Wollongong Novotel.


Arwin completed his Work Experience at a pharmacist, Mananui completed part of his placement helping with Junior School sport at Calderwood, and Abbey obtained some nursing experience!


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